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[Recommendation for Debarment for Davis-Bacon Act Violations]

B-217940 Published: Sep 19, 1985. Publicly Released: Sep 19, 1985.
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The Department of Labor recommended that a subcontractor on six Navy contracts be placed on the ineligible bidders list for violations of the Davis-Bacon Act because it found that: (1) the subcontractor paid employees less than the applicable prevailing wage rates; (2) the subcontractor kept inaccurate and incomplete payroll records; and (3) there were no matters which militated against debarment. GAO found that the subcontractor disregarded its obligations to its employees and committed other substantial violations. Accordingly, GAO ordered that: (1) the subcontractor and its officers be included on the list of ineligible bidders; and (2) the funds on deposit with GAO be disbursed to the uncompensated employee.

Office of Public Affairs


Contractor debarmentLabor lawMinimum wage ratesNaval procurementPayroll recordsSubcontractors