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[Protest of Any Air Force Contract Award for Air Conditioning Replacement]

B-219560.2 Published: Sep 05, 1985. Publicly Released: Sep 05, 1985.
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A firm protested any contract award under an Air Force solicitation for air conditioning replacement, contending that: (1) the Air Force failed to allow sufficient time for bidders to consider a solicitation amendment; (2) the amendment unduly restricted competition; and (3) it did not have sufficient time to file its protest before bid opening. GAO held that: (1) the portion of the protest relating to the solicitation amendment was untimely filed because GAO did not receive it before bid opening; and (2) it had previously established that a period of as little as 2 days was sufficient for bidders to protest. Accordingly, the protest was dismissed.

Office of Public Affairs


Air Force procurementBid closing timeContract award protestsSolicitation modificationsSpecifications protestsUntimely protestsAir conditioningBid evaluation protestsU.S. Air ForceBidders