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[Protest of Air Force Contract Award for Painting and Caulking of a Building]

B-218342 Published: May 10, 1985. Publicly Released: May 10, 1985.
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A firm protested an Air Force contract award, contending that it was unreasonably eliminated from the competition and claimed reimbursement for its bid preparation costs. The Air Force determined that the protester was nonresponsible because it had filed for reorganization under the Bankruptcy Code and did not issue a Certificate of Competency since the value of the contract was less than $10,000. The protester: (1) believed that the contract had not been awarded; (2) was aware of the quote acceptance period but did not inquire about the procurement status or award notification; and (3) untimely filed its protest after the 10 working day limit. Accordingly, the protest was dismissed as untimely, and the claim for bid preparation costs was denied.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Bid preparation cost claimsBidder responsibilityCertificates of competencyContract award protestsUntimely protestsBid evaluation protestsU.S. Air ForceBid preparation costsBankruptcyFederal regulationsProcurementReorganizationIntellectual property rightsFederal acquisition regulationsRecreation areas