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[Request for Decision Concerning Home Service Transfer Allowance]

B-215362 Oct 01, 1984
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A decision was requested as to whether a Department of Agriculture employee's entitlement to a home service transfer allowance under Standardized Regulations could be extended beyond 30 days. The employee was paid subsistence expenses for the first 30 days after his return from an overseas assignment; however, he claimed subsistence expenses for additional days due to a delay in the shipment of his household goods. The employee stated that Joint Travel Regulations grant more than 30 days of subsistence expenses. GAO found that, since the employee was entitled to a home service transfer allowance under Standardized Regulations, he was not entitled to reimbursement under Joint Travel Regulations. Standardized Regulations limit home service transfer allowances to 30 days and may not be extended. Accordingly, the employee's claim for a home service transfer allowance in excess of 30 days may not be certified for payment, and his voucher was retained.


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