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[Protest of DLA Contract Award Under IFB]

B-214950.2 Published: Aug 13, 1984. Publicly Released: Aug 13, 1984.
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A firm protested a Defense Logistics Agency contract award for domestic end products, contending that the awardee: (1) offered products which could not be made at a profit at the quoted price; and (2) may not actually deliver domestic end products. GAO held that: (1) a bid price which may hold no profit for the contractor is not a proper basis upon which to challenge an award to that firm if it is found responsible; and (2) whether a firm performs according to its contractual obligations is a matter of contract administration. Accordingly, the protest was dismissed.

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Office of Public Affairs


Contract award protestsDelivery termsManufacturing contractsProduct evaluationSolicitation specificationsBid evaluation protestsSolicitationsContract managementDefense logisticsIntellectual property rights