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[Protest of GSA Sale of Surplus Federal Property]

B-213433 Published: Apr 06, 1984. Publicly Released: Apr 06, 1984.
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A firm protested the sale of surplus Federal property by the General Services Administration (GSA). The protester, which leases adjacent property from the Navy, contended that: (1) certain solicitation specifications interfered with its own use of its leased property; and (2) the Navy controlled, and had not agreed to allow the use of, certain facilities offered for use by GSA in the solicitation. GAO held that it has no authority under bid protest procedures to rule on the first matter and that the second part of the protest was untimely filed. Accordingly, the protest was dismissed.

Office of Public Affairs


Property disposalReal estate leasesReal estate salesSolicitation specificationsSurplus federal propertyUntimely protestsBid evaluation protestsU.S. Navy