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[Protest of Air Force Contract Award]

B-212393 Published: Jul 29, 1983. Publicly Released: Jul 29, 1983.
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A firm protested any contract award under an Air Force solicitation for the replacement of steel siding on buildings, contending that the siding specification was unduly restrictive of competition. Bid protest procedures require that, if a protest is initially filed with the contracting agency, any subsequent protest to GAO must be filed within 10 working days of notification of initial adverse agency action. Since the protest was not filed with GAO within that timeframe, it was dismissed as untimely.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Air Force procurementContract award protestsFacility repairsSolicitation specificationsUntimely protestsBid evaluation protestsU.S. Air ForceBid protest regulationsIntellectual property rightsFederal regulations