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Claim for a Retroactive Promotion and Backpay

B-203008 Jul 07, 1981
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A Federal employee appealed the disallowance of her claim for a retroactive promotion and backpay which she contended was due her as a result of having performed specific duties that were subsequently performed by a higher grade employee. The employee provided statements of co-workers to corroborate her claim. The agency did not dispute her claim but stated that the specific duties were included in her position description and that she was not otherwise detailed to a higher grade position. GAO was unable to find that she was detailed to a higher grade position or that the specific duties in question were allocated exclusively to either position. The position description applicable to the higher position enumerates many duties which the employee does not claim to have performed. To recover backpay on the basis of an alleged detail to a higher grade position, an employee must submit evidence to establish that he was assigned to and performed the full range of duties of the higher grade position. Since the employee did not supply sufficient documentation to demonstrate that she was detailed to a higher grade position, the disallowance of her claim was sustained.


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