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Comments on H.R. 19, 97th Congress

B-169347 Published: Mar 30, 1981. Publicly Released: Mar 30, 1981.
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H.R. 19, 97th Congress, is a bill to provide a comprehensive program to improve cargo security for property being transported in interstate and foreign commerce. The bill provides new authority for reporting requirements which could be met under existing authority. Sections of the bill require agencies to report cargo losses to the appropriate regulatory agency. These requirements are unnecessary since various regulatory agencies already have sufficient authority to require such reports and have exercised this authority in the past. The bill should include provisions for individual waivers from regulations, a timeframe for issuing initial regulations, and requirements for annual reports to Congress. Congress should consider: (1) whether similar reporting requirements are needed for air and rail carriers; (2) whether reported losses will furnish uniform loss classifications; (3) what the reporting period should be; and (4) a clarification of the terms dealing with theft-related losses.

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Office of Public Affairs


Congressional oversightCost analysisFreight transportationProperty lossesProposed legislationRegulatory agenciesReporting requirementsTransportation legislationCargo securityLarceny