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Claim for Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expenses for Visiting Mother-In-Law

B-194350 Sep 14, 1979
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An employee requested temporary quarters subsistence expenses (TSQE) for his mother-in-law, an alien on a 3-month visa, who was visiting the employee's family at the time of his transfer. Under the terms of the visa, the employee had to assume financial responsibility for his mother-in-law during her stay in the United States. Payment of TQSE for a transferred employee and his family is legally authorized; however, to qualify for TQSE as a member of an employee's immediate family, a mother-in-law must be a member of the employee's household and must be dependent upon the employee. In this case the mother-in-law was a member of the household maintained with her husband and six children in Central America, and there was no evidence that she was dependent upon the employee for support except during her visit. The claim for TQSE was denied.


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