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Protest Involving COC

B-193773.3 Published: Sep 11, 1979. Publicly Released: Sep 11, 1979.
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A company requested a reconsideration of a decision which denied its protest against the Army's aquiescence in a decision of the Small Business Administration (SBA) to issue a certificate of competency to another firm. The company contended that the decision did not reply to one of the subissues of its general protest, that it did object to the Army's referral of the other firm's competency to the SBA contrary to the impression allegedly conveyed in the decision, that the SBA decision not to release the rationale of its decision prejudiced the company, and that the decision was inconsistent with a previous decision. The prior decision was affirmed because: (1) some of the grounds for reconsideration were dealt with in the prior decision or were irrelevant to the decision; (2) there was no need for GAO to indicate the extent of SBA documentation reviewed in light of the protester's arguments which did not address the GAO review standard of the SBA decision; and (3) prior dismissal of the earlier protest was not inconsistent with the decision denying the protest.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs