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Subsistence Expenses at Headquarters of Employees Conducting Training

B-193034 Jul 31, 1979
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A decision was requested as to whether ACTION has the statutory authority to reimburse its employees for the cost of meals and lodging incurred while training VISTA volunteeers at their official duty stations. Generally, subsistence expenses of employees at their headquarters may not be paid by the Government. In administering the VISTA Program, ACTION is authorized to provide supervision, technical assistance, and other necessary and appropriate support in training VISTA volunteers. During the intensive 3-day training sessions, often held within the confines of an official duty station of the agency, the trainers are frequently required to take meals with the volunteers and to remain overnight. Information is often presented during the meals and trainers are required to remain with the volunteers to answer questions arising during the formal training sessions. With regard to training civilian employees, legislation provides that the head of an agency may reimburse an employee for all or part of the necessary expenses of training, including other services or facilities directly related to the training of the employees. Other legislation provides that the agency head shall determine which expenses are necessary training expenses. Because the director of ACTION has determined that round-the-clock supervision is required for VISTA volunteers and that meals are an intrinsic part of the training sessions, GAO finds that participation by staff employees, as trainers, is necessary to provide the training. The necessary expenses incurred for meals and lodgings at ACTION headquarters by its employees in training VISTA volunteers may be reimbursed.


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