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Claims for Transportation Charges by a Common Carrier

B-188647 Dec 28, 1977
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A company requested a review of a claim settlement of 1976, claiming that it was not time barred from filing because it was originally paid its transportation charges in 1970; a claim was filed in 1972, and other claims have been filed since then. It also claimed that the tariff basis used by the agency was incorrect because it would not apply on intrastate movements. Deduction from the carrier's account after more than 3 years from the payment data was an error. The company was not time barred from its claim for $769.50 which was filed within the 3 years. If the shipment was intrastate by nature, the transportation charges should be adjusted to reflect the charges based on the intrastate rate, not to exceed the non-time barred amount of $769.50.


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