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H.R. 4395 Represents the Kind of Lobbying Disclosure Law GAO Would Be Willing and Able To Administer

B-129874 Published: Jun 19, 1979. Publicly Released: May 06, 1985.
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GAO commented on H.R. 4395, a bill to amend lobbying regulation to correct most of the administrative and enforcement deficiencies contained in existing law. GAO believes that under H.R. 4395 the Comptroller General would be in a better position to apply his resources productively to provide meaningful and complete lobbying information to Congress and the public, to provide assistance and guidance to lobbying organizations, and to attempt correction of minor or routine compliance problems for which prosecution is neither necessary nor desirable.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Interest groupsLobbying activitiesProposed legislationReporting requirementsLobbyingDisclosure lawPublic disclosureAdministrative law