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[Question of Legislative Permanency of Provision Contained in Annual Appropriations Act]

B-209583 Published: Jan 18, 1983. Publicly Released: Jan 18, 1983.
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In response to a congressional request, GAO considered whether section 145 of P.L. 97-276 constitutes permanent legislation. The provision mandates that agencies enter into loan guarantee or insurance commitments to the full extent provided by the appropriation act. However, GAO has held that a provision contained in an annual appropriations act may not be construed as permanent legislation. Moreover, nothing in the legislative history indicates that section 145 be permanent legislation nor does anything in the nature of section 145 necessitate that it be applied beyond the end of the current fiscal year. Therefore, GAO concluded that section 145 does not constitute permanent legislation.

Office of Public Affairs


Appropriation actsLegislationLoan guaranteesCurrent fiscal year